Types of Birds' Feet

The shape of the feet indicates the lifestyle of a bird. For example, webbed feet or toes with broad lobes each side aid swimming, while feathered feet help prevent heat loss. There are variations, but below are several examples of bird’s feet and details of the actions they enable.


Have independent, flexible toes, with one pointing backwards, ideal for grasping perches. Perching birds don't fall out of trees when they sleep. When perching birds sit, a tendon on the backside of the ankle automatically flexes locking their toes around the branch. With feet locked, sleeping birds don't fall. As the bird stands up its feet release.


Have two toes pointing forwards and two backwards; for climbing up, down, and sideways on tree trunks.


Such as ducks have webbing between their toes for swimming. Gulls also have feet similar to these so they don't sink while walking in the soft sand or mud near the water's edge.


Such as hawks, eagles, and owls use large claws (called talons) to capture, kill, and carry prey with their feet.


The long toe of herons, which spreads the bird's weight over a large surface area, facilitates walking on soft surfaces near the water's edge (where wading birds like to eat).

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